David Eastwick Apps

Rpg Helper 3 3.09
This app will assist in making details duringan adventure, for example want a quick inn name? got you covered,want more info on the inn? no problem, how about a whole towndescription complete with inn and gangs? again no problem. Need afast npc with a little back story...yep I got that for you too. Myapp may not be perfect but I feel it will be a real asset to any DMor just a fun way to pass some time (the results can be veryfunny...and sometimes scary lol)There are a lot of generators you have access to:full character Person name = need a quick name for an npc ?:)Tavern nameTavern = a full tavern descriptionBattle NameSong name = for when a player asks that annoying, what songs doesthe bard know question.Gang = a brief description and name of a gang.Town name Town = when you want more then a name, includes tavernsand gangs among other stuffCrimeCause of deathFear = player bugging you, why not give him a random fear?Distinguishing feature = ie "A birth mark in the shape of a penguinon his foot"Town Crier = some random news a town crier may be...wellcryingCreature generator = creates monstrosities to throw at your players:)Npc Male/Female = creates a quick npc description.Symbol = makes symbols for armour crests, shields or what ever youfancy really.Armour = generates a set of armour (description)Deity = creates an immortal.Gear Item = picks a random item of standard (or not so standardgear)Charity Name = gives a random name of a charity (he I made it forthe crimes gen and decided you guys may have a use for it)Also included at no extra charge to the no charge is a dicerollerMore will be coming as I tweak more stuff and add to theappWant to make my day? after you have used the app, give me a bit offeed back, comment on it, review it, suggest features,.• Many Generators to help add character to your characters oradventures.• includes a dice roller, for rolling dice• free
Dm's Lil Helper 2.25
Dm's Lil Helper, more random generators then you can shake anaverage stick at!